This page is where all the Noah or 2Gether fans put in their customs. Email me for your customs to be put on my site!!!
user klien2882
user klien2882:i don't have any customs, i did this because chelsea is my best friend! haha! send in your customs and help chels!!
user haira2432
I have a custom that when it's a 2gether member's birthday, i throw a party, with all my friends. it's really fun. But i only invite those who like 2gether!! It's really fun!
I borrowed a friends tape and she taped all the episodes and the movie of 2gether!! I love them soooooooooooooooo much that I asked if I could tape it!!! I don't know if it's a custom but that's how much I love them!!!!!!!!! *I taped em all!!-Chelsea*